Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Playing Marco Polo with Helen Keller

What is up with those Astros!!! Fourteen innings and they still can't pull off a win.

The past few days have been really amazing. Jeff and I had a huge fight last night. After a few hours of arguing, him driving away and coming back, and me sitting in silence for over half an hour we finally talked it out. He is blowing me away lately with how he is changing. I see him becoming an amazing leader and a greater man of God. His heart is changing and so is his passion...its incredible to watch and it makes me proud.

Hanging out with his family has also been fun. The way we've been acting around here lately is much like watching an episode of Seinfeld. We spent the better part of an hour last night debating what is considered a "snicker" of a laughter. Then, to try and figure it out, we each attempted to imitate a snicker. His mom chuckled, his dad snorted, Jeff giggled, and I actually succeeded in snickering (so I think). Then the other day we got in an depth conversation about each other's toes at the lunch table, which of course ended with us all whipping out our feet and putting them on the table for display. Finally, tonight while watching the world series, we got on topic of Jeff's surprising ability to be bendy. He can take his toes, pull them up to his mouth, and suck on them! Somehow the topic progressed to us each stretching one leg up onto the kitchen counter. Its things like these that make me really miss my family. I miss the Looney Tunes gang and all its crazy antics.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Birth of A New Blogger

I have the most exciting news to bring you today...Melissa Hoffman has joined the blog world! That's right, my sister has finally gotten a blog. Be prepared though, she's raw, she's real, and she speaks exactly what is one her mind. Check her out here

In other news. I went job shopping the other day. I headed downtown to this bar called "The Saw Mill Tavern." They handed me a job application and informed we to come back on Tuesday and wear "something slutty", I believe those were here exact words. So...needless to say...that job is out of the picture. Not that I want to, but I'm pretty sure the last thing I would get walking into that place dressed slutty is a job. Maybe a few screams of terror, blind a couple of people, or have beer thrown at me, but no job.

Jeff is informing me that I am in a weird mood right now...so I'm going to go be weird somewhere else. Maybe I'll just go take a shower.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Short and Sweet

Have I mentioned that I love Oregon yet? Don't get me wrong, I miss my home and family terribly, but I love being in Oregon. I've rediscovered my passion for art here. I have so much drive to do it. Jeff designated last night "date night" and took me to the college campus to paint at night. It was so nice. Nobody on campus, just the two of us sitting in the middle of the campus in front of the water fountain painting.

School has been interesting, to say the least. Last week we learned how to give sponge and bed baths. This week we're learning how to clean dentures, brush teeth, and put in catheters. If you dont know what that is, look it up because I'm keeping it PG on my blog.

I don't really have much to say right now. Maybe as the week goes on I'll come up with something. Until then, I'm going to finish reading "Lamb." If you haven't read it, get to it. I wish I was clever enough to write this book. It's great.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

...no title...

So my heart is heavy right now. This is obvious because I normally dont post twice in a day.

I just got off the phone with my sister about an hour ago. She just got off with the police department in Modesto. At first I thought she was going to say there was a warrant out for my arrest. I could only be so lucky. Apparently my grandma fainted. My grandpa called an ambulance and the fire department showed up. Once the fire department showed up she woke up and seems to be fine. Sort of. She was talking to one of the firemen and told them that my grandpa had beat her. I dont understand why she would do that. As I sit here typing the cops are at my grandparent's house talking to my mom to try and clear things up and get a history of my grandpa. They called my sister to get ahold of my mom while she was on her way and questioned my sister for about a half hour on my grandpa and his history. My sister explained that my grandma is on so many medications that she doesn't know the difference between what is real and what's made up in her mind these days. She's been lying a lot. She comes up with all these stories and then convinces herself that they are true. My pop would never do those things. He's the most kind, gentle, and loving man I know. I can't imagine how confused and heartbroken he must be. Even once he's cleared, how do you go back and sleep in the same house and same bed after years of marriage and now she accuses him of this. How could you shake it off and pretend like nothing happened?

My heart is broken. I'm on the verge of tears as I think of the very thought of one handcuff being put on my pop. He must be so terribly confused. The pain he must be feeling, and the fear. I wish I was there to comfort him and to tell him it'll all be fine. To talk about the Giants and hit him in the stomach (that's what we do). I miss my family. I can't believe she would do that...that she would say that. Sorry I'm pouring out my heart. I'm sitting here alone waiting anxiously for my family to call and give me an update.

Stupid People Shouldn't Breed

So it has been a frustrating past few days. Jeff and I have been catching up on the news lately. Yesterday we were watching Fox News and they were talking about how dangerous it would be if Harriet Myers were to get the Supreme Court Justice spot because she's a christian. Then they had that stupid Ann Coulter chick on after that talking about some stupid thing or another and promoting her new book, "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Have To)." I hope she doesn't breed. Following that segment was a 2 minute coverage of this one guy that was set up on a blind date with a girl, who showed up and found out that the girl was a really a transvestite. His reaction? Stab the guy 20 times. Oh, but dont get angry, because in his defense he said the reason he reacted that way was because of "gay panic." So the guy got off with only doing 3 years for murder! Stabbing somebody 20 times isn't panic...its murder. And 3 years for doing it is ridiculous. People spend more time in jail for using crack than this guy will for murdering somebody. Oh, there's still more...

Today Jeff is reading the Christian Worldview Network online and he read an article about how Bennett was talking about abortion. He was addressing the argument that pro-choice is good in that if there weren't as many abortions, the crime rate would increase because having a baby would really cut people's income and make them broke. Bennett comes up with a solution...why don't we just have the black babies aborted, that way crime rate will go down. Can you believe this guy? So many curse words are running through my head right now. Lower crime rate by aborting black babies. Why didn't I think of that? Oh...maybe its because I'm not a racist and an idiot! Anyways, we got so frustrated that we had to turn it off the news channel and quit reading news articles. Jeff was on the verge of throwing his computer and me of sticking my foot through the t.v. screen.

On a happier note, my sister is coming up this weekend! I'm so excited. That's all I really got for now. I have a headache from all the stupid shhh... going on.