Monday, October 24, 2005

Birth of A New Blogger

I have the most exciting news to bring you today...Melissa Hoffman has joined the blog world! That's right, my sister has finally gotten a blog. Be prepared though, she's raw, she's real, and she speaks exactly what is one her mind. Check her out here

In other news. I went job shopping the other day. I headed downtown to this bar called "The Saw Mill Tavern." They handed me a job application and informed we to come back on Tuesday and wear "something slutty", I believe those were here exact words. So...needless to say...that job is out of the picture. Not that I want to, but I'm pretty sure the last thing I would get walking into that place dressed slutty is a job. Maybe a few screams of terror, blind a couple of people, or have beer thrown at me, but no job.

Jeff is informing me that I am in a weird mood right I'm going to go be weird somewhere else. Maybe I'll just go take a shower.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it virtuous or moral to move in with your boyfriend? Isn't that a sin?

9:50 AM  
Blogger stacey said...

To anonymous...whom I'm going to go ahead and assume isn't anonymous because you somehow know I'm living with my boyfriend's PARENTS. Why the anonymity? If you have to remain anonymous in writing such comments on my blog (and jeff's if this is the same person) then you have to question if you should comment at all. If you look right below the comment box there are 3 boxes. One says "blogger", one says "other", and one says "Anonymous." For some reason you keep clicking on the wrong one. If you're going to keep making such accusations about people, you should at least let them know who you are. What is it that you fear? Somebody putting a name and face to the harsh statements made? Being known? I don't know what your intent is in making such comments and I don't know who you THINK I am. But I think you're just out to piss people off and draw a reaction out of them so that you can make us squirm and point that back in our faces and say "You call yourself Christian." Which makes it easy for me because I don't call myself a christian or think myself any better than you.

With that said, I will answer your question. It would be considered immoral to live with your boyfriend. In my eyes, it would be shady and dangerous. Is it a sin? No more than pride, arrogance, and judging. However, I do not live with my boyfriend. I live with my boyfriend's PARENTS. Which seemed like a morally good idea to me seeing how rent is free, I get to live with my boyfriend's family and become part of it, and I'm not sharing a bed with the man I am dating. So there's your answer. Any more questions? I'll be happy to answer those too.

By the way, I didn't catch your name.



10:02 PM  
Blogger aca said...

you go girl

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just have to respond--I'll remain anonymous although I'm not the author of the moralistic comment...Look, you put your private thoughts and life on display for total strangers. It's incredibly naive to think that blogs are some kind of local community of just you and your friends! Look, if you choose to display your private thoughts and life publically then you need to accept that people may make comments (anonymously or not) whether or not it's what you want to hear.

What disturbs me more than a petty discussion about what it means to live with someone is that you have essentially dropped out of a real University to go to an un-accredited Community College in the middle of nowhere just to be with some guy that can't hold a real job and wants to be a musician. No real man would live off of Daddy's money OR ask the woman he loves to give up the once in a lifetime opportunity to get a good education.

Speaking as a man whose been a confused 20 year old wannabe musician: I never dragged some nice girl into my mess OR lived off of my parents for free. As far as this anonymous is concerned, you deserve much better.

I mean, what boyfriend (or boyfriend's family) would encourage you to get a job at a Tavern?!?????????????

9:08 PM  

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