Thursday, October 06, 2005 title...

So my heart is heavy right now. This is obvious because I normally dont post twice in a day.

I just got off the phone with my sister about an hour ago. She just got off with the police department in Modesto. At first I thought she was going to say there was a warrant out for my arrest. I could only be so lucky. Apparently my grandma fainted. My grandpa called an ambulance and the fire department showed up. Once the fire department showed up she woke up and seems to be fine. Sort of. She was talking to one of the firemen and told them that my grandpa had beat her. I dont understand why she would do that. As I sit here typing the cops are at my grandparent's house talking to my mom to try and clear things up and get a history of my grandpa. They called my sister to get ahold of my mom while she was on her way and questioned my sister for about a half hour on my grandpa and his history. My sister explained that my grandma is on so many medications that she doesn't know the difference between what is real and what's made up in her mind these days. She's been lying a lot. She comes up with all these stories and then convinces herself that they are true. My pop would never do those things. He's the most kind, gentle, and loving man I know. I can't imagine how confused and heartbroken he must be. Even once he's cleared, how do you go back and sleep in the same house and same bed after years of marriage and now she accuses him of this. How could you shake it off and pretend like nothing happened?

My heart is broken. I'm on the verge of tears as I think of the very thought of one handcuff being put on my pop. He must be so terribly confused. The pain he must be feeling, and the fear. I wish I was there to comfort him and to tell him it'll all be fine. To talk about the Giants and hit him in the stomach (that's what we do). I miss my family. I can't believe she would do that...that she would say that. Sorry I'm pouring out my heart. I'm sitting here alone waiting anxiously for my family to call and give me an update.


Blogger debbie said...

I'm sorry to hear that stace, but serisously, if you ever want to cheer yourself up, i would be more than happy to trade wacky grandma stories with you. anyone who knows her (brittany) can back me up when i say that she is a complete looney tooney. stretches the truth, manipulates, complains about EVERYTHING, flat-out lies, drinks more than is necessary, attempts suicide...she's ridiculous. and if it's any insight into my personality, i grew up with her. so even though it sucks and hurts, i still love her and can't stay mad at her long, because she is old and out of her mind, and even though i know that 98% of her stories about life are completely fictional, sometimes it's pretty interesting stuff.
i hope things get better for you.

8:08 AM  
Blogger Heddah said...

Hey Stacey, I am so sad to read about what happened and so sad to get your text yesterday. I'm praying for you and your family... and I'll light a candel to your grandpa's pic that you gave me :) I'll call you this weekend sometime

4:33 PM  
Blogger aca said...

hey i've been thinking of you guys.

still am.

let me know if you need anything.

3:51 PM  

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