Saturday, April 30, 2005

Smile Like You Mean It

You say you hate your life. I say I hate your pain. You want everything to end. I want everything to begin. I wish I could undo anything and every hurt that anybody has ever caused you. I wish you never experienced heartbreak. I wish you never knew pain. I wish I could show you hope. That I held your future and could tell you that everything that you fear is gone is still out there. No more anger, no more hate, no more tears. I wish you could experience joy and happiness. I wish I could help you through all this. I wish I had the answers. I wish I could help you. I am too weak to be your cure.

I get angry because your pain breaks my world apart. You get angry because these tears are for you. You tell me to dry them and get over it because this is your life. Its not that simple. Your life is my life. Your pain, mine. Your hurt, mine. Your tears, still mine. Your heartbreak, my hell. Why cant you see that I want to help? Do you not understand that I would sacrifice anything if it meant your happiness? Walk over me, push me away, slam me to the ground, step on my toes....I will still stand by your side.

I'm so sorry. I wish I could be your cure. I wish I could be everything to heal you, so you dont have to feel this pain anymore. I wish you didnt have this personal hell. All I can be is your sister. My life is yours to walk over if it means getting just one smile of happiness out of you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Oh Osama! You're So Silly!

Whine...whine...whine. Wow, I need to get over myself.

Sorry about the last post I wrote. I deleted it because it even bugged me. "Poor, pathetic me that's having such a hard week because things are happening that arent the end of the world and are entirely overcomeable (if thats a word)." Funny how we worry about petty things. Funny that I let stupid things stress me out. Funny that I actually expect my life to be this perfect path and am completely surprised and disturbed when curveballs and speed bumps get thrown into my life. So I'm sorry.

So apparently Osama bin Laden is trying to use my credit card to buy dirty magazines. I got this email saying that my credit card was still trying to be used on this website called So i visit the site and call customer service and apparently the person tried to buy phone sex and a couple of dirty magazines but the card kept getting rejected. His company caught the fraudulent activity and said it was traced back to Pakistan. That Osama....he's so perverted. You can't help but laugh at stuff like card has been perverted...poor little christian atm/debit card...I'm praying for you.

Listening to "Sometimes You Cant Make it on Your Own" off of U2's new CD. Its an amazing song, it reminds me of their best and classic stuff off of Joshua Tree, which has also been playing in my CD player all week. Until I locked my keys in my the ignition..with the stereo going this morning. So I put my ear to the window and listened to all I could hear before the AAA guy came.

Well, that's the word from me for the day....back to studying. Learning about conjugation....of bacteria...not as exciting as you thought is it?