Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ahh, Summer

Hello one. Hello all.

So after a year of tears, toil, sweat, stress, and sleepless nights, I am finally able to say that I have successfully completed my first year of nursing school. Somewhat smarter and ten pounds heavier, I have gratefully reached summer break. Its been a long year, but one that I am glad to say that I have made it through and puts me one step closer to what I have dedicated the last five years of my life to.

Anyway, I thought I might share a few pictures with you guys of my escapades through the past year.

I got to wear a colostomy bag...don't worry that's not real poo, but it sure does look like it.

I witnessed the most beautiful--I mean absolutely gorgeous--mullet in Seattle, which made the city that much more awesome.
We got Guitar Hero...uh, I mean, look how busy we were studying...and apparently I'm busy picking my nose.
I got an NG tube shoved up my nose...three times to be exact. By the third time, I had a bloody nose and when they pulled it out a bloody booger shot out and landed on my thigh. Be grateful I don't have a picture of that.
My first year nursing picture...
And what would a photo journal be without a conclusion. Me and a couple of my group members decided to celebrate our final test of our first year by dancing in the fountain on campus. (I'm the one on the left that looks semi-handicapped)