Tuesday, November 01, 2005

To All The Anonymi Out There That I've Been Arguing With

Anonymous #1, #2, and every other anonymous out there:

Call me naive, I just don't understand you. You think you know me. I have no problem with you commenting on my blog. But if you are going to judge me and accuse me (and my boyfriend) of things, then I think you should at least get your information accurate. And,I think I should at least be able to defend myself. Otherwise, I'm not the naive one.

From your post I can't decide if you're actually 20 years old right now or if you have been. If you're 20 years old, then take it from a 22 year old that I think I know what I'm doing. If you're older, then why are you pre-judging me knowing nothing about me. I'll help you put my life into a little more context so that you can see how you were wrong in assuming...

I'm 22. This is my fourth year of college. The first 3 years of my education were spent at Sacramento State University. After 3 years, I had finally taken every class and prerequisite I needed to take to apply for the nursing program. So I applied for this fall. Anybody that knows anything about education these days knows that getting into a nursing program is more difficult than getting into med school right now. Needless to say, I didn't get in. The program only offers 62 slots...around 300 people applied. I was number 180 on the wait list. Every person I talked to in Sacramento that is trying to get into the program has been waiting for years. One girl I knew that got all "A's" and had a high GPA waited for 5 years before she finally got in.

So my boyfriend moved back to Oregon. I didn't follow him. A year ago I had already looked into the nursing program out here and considered it. I was the one that actually suggested he move to Oregon. His moving so only accounted for maybe 10% of my wanting to move. The other 90%? Well, this little Community College out here that IS accredited happens to offer one of the best nursing programs. Let me list all of the other aspects about this college that make it more beneficial than Sac State:

-they offer a Nurse's Assitant class, which I am currently taking. After I complete this class I can start working in a hospital as a Nurse's Assistant. Its not a nurse, but its also not working at a fast food place. Its going towards what I want to be doing. And, if I dont get into the nursing program, I can still be making good money in a job I want to do and working toward what I want to be doing.

-the chances of me getting into the nursing program are much better. The college here goes by different standards than Sac State does. At Sac State, if you don't have AT LEAST a 3.7 GPA, your application is not even considered.

-the counselors at Sac State couldn't tell me jack piss about what I needed to be doing to get into the program. Everytime I walked in they handed me a card and told me to attend a meeting. I attended the meeting...3 times. Each time the same thing...nobody helped me understand. They just kept thrusting papers and websites in my face that offered no help. Here, I just had an appointment with the nursing advisor who is actually on the committee for the nursing program. She told me the ins and outs of exactly everything I need to be doing. She helped me plan out the rest of my classes for the whole year! She even gave me an application for financial aid and encouraged me to apply. Based on what she is telling me, I have a pretty good chance of getting into the nursing program.

-I actually can get financial aid here. I couldn't get it in california because my family isn't "poor enough". It doesn't matter here because not too many people apply for financial aid. So at that point, it goes to whoever wants it.

-UCC has one of the best nursing programs around. I'm not saying this just to prove myself right. I'm saying this becaues my mom has researched it and loves it. Something which was difficult for her to say because she didnt want me moving here. She's happy with my decision now. She realizes that things are working out better here in 2 months so far than in 3 years in Sacramento.

The best part about this college...its not california. Ask anybody that knows me...I HATED CALIFORNIA! I was itching and dying to get out of there and waiting for an opportunity to arise to do so. I wanted to get out of california before I got into a nursing program there because then I would be stuck there for at least 3 more years. Something that I cannot aford to do because cost of living is almost 3 times more there than it is here. And what happened? An opportunity arose and I took it. And it was the best decision I've ever made.

Finally, and most importantly, my boyfriend has never dragged me anywhere. I have NEVER gone anywhere that I have never wanted to go for him. And he knows that because I have told him time and again that my education is one of the most important things to me. I can't give it up. I won't give it up for him. The decision to move was because it actually benefited my education. And don't be fooled by the whole "community college vs. university" attitude. The education at a university is no better than the education at a community college. My mom graduated from community college and received her RN degree. If you think I've become less of a person because I switched from a university to a community than, honestly, you're stupid. I say that in all sincerity, without trying to be mean. But come on. Really?

And another thing, my boyfriend or his parents NEVER encouraged me to work at the tavern that told me to dress like a whore. I don't even know where you got that idea. I went in on my OWN looking for a bartending job and they handed me the application and told me to dress slutty and i said "No, thank you." And when I told this to my boyfriend and his parents they were shocked and made sure that I wasn't actually going to apply. So would you quit taking shots at them, especially my boyfriend. I have always supported him in his choices and where he wants to take his music. I admire him more than anybody else for believing in himself and chasing after his dream. I could never do it. We're different like that. He has that kind of passion and the desire to do it, I don't. I rely on my education. And I love him for it. To say he's draggin me places is ridiculous. Obviously, you don't know love. Love is sacrifice. Love is taking chances. If I weren't with Jeff, I would have never moved to Oregon. If that never happened I would probably still be stuck in a place that I hate, working at a job that I hate, just sitting and waiting for years to get into a nursing program. I'm out here and for the first time, I feel like its within my reach. Like I'm actually out getting done what needs to be done and moving towards my career. I really wish you could understand so that you wouldn't make these accusations. Because if you understood (and if you knew me) you would be so happy for me and be proud of where I've brought myself. But I guess you don't understand and you don't know me...so that sucks. I hope I cleared things up a little. Most of all, I hope you were able to read this all and not get bored and give up. If you're still confused, ask away...my life is an open book from here on out.


Blogger Oberon said...

........if stupid people didn't breed.........we'd be all alone.

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make it seem like you're real eager to defend yourself/ boyfriend/ lifestyle vehemently to someone you don't even know. Why does it bother you so much that someone might ignorantly criticize your decisions? When you respond so righteously it seems like there might be just an ounce of truth in the criticism.

The only problem I have with what you wrote: is that you are taking away a spot in a nursing program in a community that you did not grow up in. There are a lot of people desperate for jobs (who's families aren't too rich to get financial aide) and to get into the Nursing program. As you've probably noticed a lot of the people at comm. college are not as well off as you are...

It may be a good program for the academic level you're at, but I'm sorrry, nothing compares to having an actual bachelor's degree in hand when you're looking to be employed. It's just sad that you won't have that, if you ever want to change your career later, it will be harder.

And BTW, I've gone to both CC and real University and they are very different, even in technical programs like nursing. As you yourself pointed out, you weren't a good enough student to get into the program you wanted--you had to go to an easier place with less requirements. I mean, I was drunk through college and even I got a higher GPA than 3.75. Maybe you were spending too much time with your boyfriend or writing blogs?
(that was meant as a jokE)


4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone Chill Out!


**if you're life is going good, you don't need to waste your time defending it to scary people on the web**

Just so you're careful: I went to UCC (Uck!) for 2 years to save money, etc. and NONE of my credits transferred to the State University. It was because they don't employ qualified people adn the level of classes is not like a real college.I wasn't in nursing, but i went into science and UCC(UCK!) was a waste of time. Isincerly wish you beter luck than I had...I agree with theother writerr that a 4-year state university is always better, even if th enursing program is well known. Anyway, good luck and don't worry about people who dont know yuo!

4:59 PM  
Blogger stacey said...

Anonymous Mike,

I don't know what you studied at a university, but I'm willing to take a bet that you didn't take back to back Bio classes and still come out with 3.75 GPA while being drunk.

The reason I'm eager to defend the people I love...wait a second, maybe its because I love them and get offended when random people insult them. Yes, I will defend them when you make accusations.

The nursing program and my so called "richness." I guess I forgot to explain one detail of my life to you. My parents aren't rich. We were always taught to be content with what we have. We were never a family for excess or lavishness...we could never afford it. My dad works about 20 hours a day (I'm not even exaggerating) so that he can provide for his family. He missed a lot of my childhood because of it. I'm not getting all "woe is me", I'm defending my family...something that, you again, have attacked. My mom works just as hard to support her three children. The one promise my parents always made to themselves was to work and make enough money so that they could put their kids through school and we wouldn't come out having to pay off any loans. So if I can help them out by getting financial aid, I will. The aid gives $1,000 to 12 students that are unadvantaged. The applications are due this Friday...only 3 people have applied. If nobody else is going to do it, why shouldn't I? I'm not stealing a spot from anybody. Almost over 50% of people in my class aren't from around here. Are they stealing spots too?

Oh yeah, the nursing program just switched to a B.S. degree. Again, you made an assumption that I was going to be getting an A.S. And again, you were wrong.

So I switched from a university to a community. What do you want me to admit? That I'm stupid...because I'm pretty sure you threw that at me too. Fine, I'm stupid. I'm sorry that I can't pull off a 3.75 GPA while taking an Anatomy & Physiology class, a Microbiology class, a Nutrition class, and work 45 hours a week to make rent in Sacramento. I guess I'm not as incredible as you are. I applaud you.

Sorry if it seems like I've responded righteously. I don't consider it righteous, I consider it the truth...and I think I'm allowed to defend myself.

Oberon: you're right. If stupid people didn't breed we would be all alone. I hope you didn't take that title seriously, but took it as a joke...because that's how I meant it. I am one of those stupid persons, and eventually I will breed and make the world a worse place.

Sherri: the best of luck wherever you ended up at a University. I hope transferring didn't set you too far back. UCC is surprisingly working out very well, better than I imagined. I hope it lasts.

Melissa: I appreciate you coming to my defense. I love you like a sister...oh wait, you are my sister. I wish you could see the new ink.

Did I miss anybody else? We're having fun here, anybody else wanna join?

To be honest, I'm tired. So I'm going to watch Family Guy and I'll check in on you all tomorrow.

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, we grew up together, I know you didn't pull off a 3.75. So, why are you atacking this girl? You need to think about your statements, cause you made a lot of lame unfounded attacks. Anyway, just looking out for you, cause you are a friend.

10:18 PM  
Blogger debbie said...

Anonymike, based on your comments, I can assume that you may have good intentions in forcing stace to see her shortcomings, however, BIBLICALLY (if i understand correctly) we are to bring our concerns to each other in private, and when that has no effect we are to bring in a mediator, but when all else fails then we can publically flog said person into utter ruin. you're skipping some steps.
ask anyone, i can really relate to your judgemental tendencies, but i'm still in the process of learning to pull the plank from our own eye before trying to remove it from my brother, perhaps you should explore that concept as well.
you may be completely right, but if your approach is wrong no one will care about what you have to say because you're coming at them with a battering ram.
Something that i had to learn this summer is that my angry attitude towards the actions of my friends who participated in what i view as sinful activity was just as much sin as what they were doing.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this is the evil anonymous again!!! BYW I'm not Mike, don't know him or anything.

Just to let you know, I like writing incendiary comments on people's blogs as a social experiment. I think the internet has evil potential and I like to prove it to people that may be a little naive.

Only about one out of 15 bloggers actually respond to the ridiculous things I write.You've won the prize for being the most ridiculous!!!

Most people erase, or ignore it or laugh off my comments.

I think I've made a good point--you need to chill out and realize that you are revealing an awful lot of personal information about yourself. Based on this blog, I now know where you go to college, what town you live in, your full name, your boyfriend's name, your sister's name--and I can even buy your boyfriend's CD.Don't you think that I could actually figure out what classes you're taking and go find you? Oh yeah, I also know what church you guys go to--there's only one "Verve"! Based on the fact that you live with your boyfriend's parents, I can make a pretty educated guess about your phone number and address (duh! I know your real names).

You're actually engaging in risky and dangerous business when you choose to respond to some Anonymous--you're inviting a stranger into your personal life. Actually you're inciting someone to be pissed off and probably react inappropriately...

DO you feel creeped out AT ALL? I sure as hell would!

Look, this is a simple reminder to be careful with the EVIL INTERNET!

And, yes, I'll leave you guys alone--It was WAAAAY too easy to incite venom from some pretty young kids.

Good luck with everything! I hope everything works out with your new path in life, both school-wise and personally...

Peace OUt!

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you so hurt by an internet phantom stalker you don't even know? It's really sad that your life is so delicate...You're genuinely hurt because some ass insinuated you might not be very smart or that you go to a bad school.

You know, honey, you'll be a great nurse--I mean all nurses do is deal with piss, puss and sh@#. Sounds like you've already got that down...
Have fun emptying bed pans!

11:02 AM  
Blogger stacey said...

I get the prize for being most ridiculous!! YAY!! I've never won anything in my life. Although, I'm sorry that I didn't fall into your plans to just erase and ignore you. Sorry I actually took the time to respond to you and talk to you. It doesn't really creep me out that you have my address. If you figure out my class, stop in and meet me on campus and we'll chat. I'd like to meet you, especially if I get a trophy for winning. I have curly hair, usually wear it up. I'm about 5' 8" and have blue eyes and broad shoulders. My class is from 1-5pm at UCC. Hope to see you soon.

Stephen Rex: I can't ignore you either because I actually like to address people that comment. I will enjoy the bed pans. I can't wait to be up to my ears in poop! I'm actually not as sensitive as you think, I'm the opposite...I don't sympathize enough with people. I only reply because I'm social. I like to talk to people and figure out why they hate me. Anyway, I'll enjoy the bed pans, you enjoy working at Burger King for the rest of your life!

I bet a lot of you are thinking "I can't believe she responded again!." Which is why I got the most ridiculous award. Hey, if I'm gonna get it, I gotta earn it.

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woooo Hooooo!!! Go Stacey. I am so proud of you for winning the most rediculous prize. I guess next time I will just have to try harder to come in first in that catagory. I miss you Stacey. But you are accomplishing things in life that you've always wanted. I remember about 3-4 years ago talking with you about moving farther north and getting out of California. I'm happy for you because you are doing what you want and you've got an awesome man of God by your side.

2:22 PM  

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