Friday, February 25, 2005

Are We There Yet?

So I've kind of stayed away from this thing in a while. I haven't had too much on my mind to talk about lately, just been going with the flow of life and all its tidal waves it has to offer.

What have I been doing all week, you ask?

Well...Wednesday, I taught Jeff a new trick. We were sitting in my car waiting for our golf class to start (that's right) and i found a bag of Wheat Thins. So I started eating them and then I stuck one on Jeff's nose and said, "Wait for it! Wait for it! Wait...(he has an anticipated look in his eyes)....wait...okay...GO!" At which point he would snap his head and catch the Wheat Thin in his mouth. The things I train my boyfriend to do.

Other than that I have mostly been working, studying, avoiding people, and thinking a lot.

Have you ever been feeling God just pulling at your heart and calling you towards something but you cant quite figure out what it is? I know you're thinking, "Duh, Stacey, what follower hasn't!" But man, it can really frustrate you to no end. I mean, my heart is just weighing. God has for some reason given me this burning passion to do something right now and I sit here and have no clue what it is. All I can piece together is that: I'm sitting here with love on my heart, I have $50 in my tithing jar that's patiently waiting to be used wherever it is led to, i just read this article posted on j. ashdown's blog about this guy who gave money away on wall st, and the thought on my mind of loving the ones that our society deems "unloveable" (homeless, drug addicts, the lame, the lost, the outcasts).

I hate the feeling right before you know something big is going to happen in your life. The feeling of God preparing you for something...but he's not going to reveal it to you yet and you just have to be patient. He's going to bring something or someone into your path that will blow you away and you have no clue what it is. It's exciting, but its very frustrating because my heart is like "Let's go already! I wanna go! Let's go!" (Like an anxious 5-year old on the way to Disneyland) But at the same time your feet are like, "Loved to, but we can't...I have no clue where I'm supposed to be going. I have to get directions." So here I sit...waiting for directions, but I gotta say...the 5-year old is getting really anxious.


Blogger Danae said...

boy, do i know how you feel... i was gonna say that i'm afraid that i've waited for so long that i'm not excited anymore... but i wonder if i'm missing this amazing thing that's already going on around me... like i have these expectations of what it should be, and i don't see that, so it must not be here yet... but maybe i'm looking for the wrong thing... miss you, girl.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Koza said...

I so understand what you are feeling. I try to shut myself down so I can hear the Lord but all I seem to get across the wires is " Hey Zina!" >_<

I just finish living out my dream in Japan and God has sent me home. Now that I am here I dont know what I am to do. All He has directed me with is "children", "wait", and "dream".

I hope you hear from Him soon! Its always nice to get things rolling again.

9:39 PM  

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