Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Bio Books, Sunflower Seeds, and McRib Sanwiches

So all day and all week long all I have been doing is studying, studying, studying. I'm down to my last chapter but my brain is so fried so i decided to take a brake. My bio exam is tomorrow and I cannot wait to fail it so I can be done with this semester. The highlight of my day came about two hours ago when i got home from work and ate dinner. I cannot tell you how excited I am that McDonalds brought back their McRib sandwiches. Those things are the best! I plan on going to McDonalds everyday and getting one until they take them away again...then i'll be sad. heaven sandwiched between two pieces of sesame seed buns. Well, I gotta go back to studying. Give you a hint of what I'm having to learn, it goes something like this, "Once the axons of preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division pass to the sympathetic trunk ganglia (via a white ramus communicans), they may connect with postganglionic neurons..." I kid you not I made none of that up, that is straight from my study notes. I know what youre thinking, and i gotta admit it also...i didnt know when i signed up for bio that i was also taking spanish along with it.

Baxter, you know i dont speak spanish. (For Heather, to give her something to laugh about)


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