Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Curse of Alyssa's Humor

So yesterday was kind of an awkward day all around. It started out normal. I woke up early to go work at the school with little kids running around screaming their heads off and latching onto my legs. This one little kid kept insisting on throwing a basketball at me and another refused to let me put her down. So there I stand in the middle of the playground holding one kid in my arms (who kept waving a branch in my face), running from flying basketballs, and all the while singing back-up for the other teacher who had an addiction for singing christmas carols. You'd think it was the circus.
But this is all normal. The abnormality started when i left the school. I was walking to my car checking my voicemails and i got this really random and strange one that went a little something like this, "Hello. This is Mr. Rufus, the teacher of one of your kids' classes. I'm just calling to inform you about your son's behavior today. He was very rude and disrupting and because of this I am going to need you to give me a call so we can set up a conference to discuss his behavior." I was speechless. Apparently I have a kid out there somewhere and apparently he's a real snot. I hate it when that happens.
The rest of the day was followed by just as strange occurings.Went to work where my last tabled i served was a table full of think i'm kidding, i'm not.
Hung out with Heather Nunn and we're on the way to go pick up pizza and we stop at this market to get margarita mix. She gets out of the car and the next things i know, all i hear is her heaving. We're not quite sure what the heck happened. What second were on the phone with alyssa laughing so hard it hurts and the next she's throwing up in the parking lot of a liquor market. Thanks a lot Alyssa. Her humor made heather sick. Maybe if you quit making fun of my feet this wouldnt happen.
There were more weird things that happened after that. The phone calls, the alcohol, the sudden showing up of guys at my front door to take heather home. Strange...all strange.


Blogger Alyzzle said...

Hey, I didn't make Heather vomit. Maybe it was the thought of all the alcohol you two were going to consume that made her sick. I don't understand why you don't call me back...ho...I love it when you mention me on your blog though :)

12:20 PM  

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