Thursday, October 28, 2004

Utter Confusion in Anatomy Class

So it has just been the longest day of my life. I didnt get much sleep last night...or the night before...or the night before get the point. So I'm tired and drowsy and I've just been in a confused state all day long.

It started off when I walked into my anatomy class this morning. I was a little late so class had already started when I arrived. Anyways, we've been going through the skeletal system in the lab and so every day we have these skeletons out on the table for us to examine. I guess today we were going over the muscles of the arm.

So I walk into class and I turn the corner (there's a hallway before you get to the actual classroom part) and all I see are all these hands in the air and I immediately think to myself "Why is everybody raising their hands? Does everybody have a question...this is odd." It took me a few seconds to realize that it wasn't the students raising their hands, it was the skeleton models of the arms standing upright on the tables. I'm an idiot. The funnier part is that it didnt stop there, everytime the teacher would ask a rhetorical question I would think to myself, "You idiots! Put your hands down, its a rhetorical question...oh wait."

Dont worry...there's more.

So we finish up with the arms and we start reviewing the appendicular skeleton (that's the bones of the body for all you "challenged" folk). To review, we're supposed to go over to the life-size skeleton we have on a stand in the classroom. I go over there and I'm checking him out, making conversation, comparing his know, the usual stuff. Anyways, I turn to walk away and I guess I nudged him and the stand he's on isnt very sturdy so the thing just knocked right over and good ol' skelly went crashing to the floor. My professor starts freaking out (I guess they're expensive) and she picks him up and sets him back up. It was so funny---his skull was cracked, his jaw was hanging by a thread from his body, and one rib was protruding through his arm bones. I'm so tired that I found it hilarious and just started laughing and under my breath I said "Damn skinny people piss me off." And the girl next to me heard and started cracking up.

Oh man, anatomy is fun...."why is everybody raising their hands!!!" Ahh, I need a nap bad.


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