Saturday, January 21, 2006

I May Be Bent To The Edge, But I Ain't Broken

My whole life, I have never been one for asking the question "Why?" in times of death. But for some reason, this time is hitting me hard. My whole life I have been taught and trained the answers to "Why?", and they all still hold true for me today...but that never stops the pain. I'm not saying I'm questioning...but I am saying I finally understand why someone would.


Blogger Jeffrey said...

there is no need for a reason. We can't reason with death. It just is and thoug it is painful, the why just adds more pain. I think it much better to look at his life and seeing the impact of his life, not the impact of his death. So, I pray, hesitate with the question of why. It's not the point. We'll NEVER know why. We will know how he impacted people.

6:02 PM  

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